Well, We are in Wisconsin and still quite a ways away from Florida..BUT, we only have $90.00 more dollars to reach the fundable minimum. We would like to go higher as ALL of the money raised is going to Buddies Thru Bullies Bulldog rescue.!
We just had to take a stop at Raindance Farms to visit little Layla. We've heard so much about her from our Mom - "Shes so cute, shes so dainty and perfect, shes beautiful - BLAH BLAH BLAH"
"Hey Doc, Dont you think she looks like she is related to us?"
"Ya, but lets get a movin on outa here before she steps on us with those fancy little feet, I hear she's quite a little pistol!"
Raindance Farms is the home of WindChill Legacy which is very dear to our Moms heart. She is even going to be taking a separate road trip next month to come visit here!
See WindChills Story here: TheWindChillLegacy.org
His story is a tragic one that brought so many hearts together pulling for his determination to live. Left un attended with no food in freezing temperatures he was rescued and showed love by Jeff and Kathi Tucker as well as his entire care team.. His story was watched by thousands World wide as he stood for the first time again and started to gain weight. Unfortunately the damage had already been done and his organs could not hold up to his huge spirit.. Since his loss Raindance Farms has experienced the blessing of Layla pictured with us and also the birth of Isabelle. Sadly Isabelle suffered from hypothyroidism and was put down after five glorious days of being loved not only by everyone at Raindance but also by 100's of people watching her on the cam. Her tragedy as well will be researched and not lost without purpose.
NOW, If you want to visit a cool waterfall in the area go here:
Amnicon Falls State Park